Mobile App Design – “My City”

As I previously stated, I am undertaking Mobile Application Design in my 2nd Semester in order to enhance the relevant skills as I feel such knowledge will be crucial for my thesis. For our mid term assignment, we were required to focus on the planning that goes into an application before writing even a line of code. Continue reading

Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality UIs

As part of our module in Principles Of Interactive Media Design, it is a requirement that we present an area of the field that we have a particular interest. Last week myself and two other colleagues shared our research into user interfaces and user centered design techniques for augmented reality and virtual reality. We chose to explore virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) due to its recent emergence into the mainstream areas of gaming, mobile applications and various other systems. We felt it important to distinguish between VR and AR in both areas of interaction design and user interface evaluation and creation techniques. Continue reading