Mobile App Design – “My City”

As I previously stated, I am undertaking Mobile Application Design in my 2nd Semester in order to enhance the relevant skills as I feel such knowledge will be crucial for my thesis. For our mid term assignment, we were required to focus on the planning that goes into an application before writing even a line of code. Continue reading

Glitch Images

Created 2013:

As I progressed in my Music, Media and Performance course in U.L., my knowledge and appreciation of Digital Arts enhanced. With this, I developed a keen admiration of Glitch Art. The basis of Glitch Art relies on the errors and malfunctions of digital media. A glitch artist seeks to bring something to breaking point; a point that can result in fascinating aesthetic display. Through the means of Photoshop I created a couple of images which mimicked the appearance of a malfunctioning/glitched image. I do this through a means of multiple layering of the same image, altering their RGB, adding noise, re-positioning segments and more.

Glitch Image 1

Glitch Image 1

Glitch 2

Glitch 2

Glitch Guitar

Glitch Guitar








Glitch 3

Glitch 3


Photoshop Poster

Created 2012:

The following image was something that I created using Photoshop. The purpose of the picture was for entertainment. However, the techniques used in creating the picture display my capabilities using Photoshop.


Promo Image

Promo Image

Poster using Photoshop/Illustrator


Created 2012:

Below is a poster that I created using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. I used Photoshop for the most part of the poster i.e the background, stars, character with guitar. I used Illustrator to create the frame and text for vector purposes i.e. to create the MUSE heading. The only thing not created within the software tools is the image of the guitarist. This project was a great opportunity to practice with as many of the tools as I could and showcase my creativity designing a poster.

My Poster

My Poster