Mobile App Design – “My City”

As I previously stated, I am undertaking Mobile Application Design in my 2nd Semester in order to enhance the relevant skills as I feel such knowledge will be crucial for my thesis. For our mid term assignment, we were required to focus on the planning that goes into an application before writing even a line of code. Continue reading

Mobile Application Basics: BlueJ

In my third year of college I chose Mobile Application as my elective. This module appealed to me because I have a passion for creating code whereby the end product can produce fascinating results. I wanted to enhance my programming skills with regards with mobile application in order to strengthen my skill set and better my chances in the future of obtaining employment. Weekly labs were very beneficial and provided me with the foundational knowledge required before tackling advanced projects in Mobile Application. The module primarily focused on using BlueJ but it is an intention of mine to further educate myself in the near future with regards to creating mobile apps and using Java software.

World Clock Development

World Clock Development

Lab Work

Lab Work

Our final project was to develop an application that will allow users view several times (or clocks) on their screen simultaneously. This type of application is often packaged in Smart-phones and other devices. The application was to provide the user with a list of cities/locations to choose from. The user should be able to select one (or more) cities and then click on the “plus” button (or its equivalent) to add them to the display. Selecting a city or cities and clicking on the “minus” button (or its equivalent) should remove those cities from the display. This projects, and smaller ones before this, displayed the use of layout managers, containers, colours, fonts, borders, spacing and so on.

Below is a video showcasing the final project and some other the other lab works: