Supervisor Meeting

Now that I have had a few weeks of researching my idea and gathering notions as to how I can realize it, I felt it was time to organize a meeting with my supervisor Brenda Romero. She will be overseeing my thesis for the coming months, ensuring that I remain on the correct path. Her own background is primarily with game development but her expertise can certainly contribute to the design and development of a mobile application.

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Mobile App Exercises

The past week I have been putting my technical skills in mobile application to the test. I feel that I must elevate my abilities in this department to a professional level in order to be an assist to any future companies I work for in the future. Furthermore, I may be building a mobile application (pending user research) for my thesis so I want to ensure that I am more than capable to realise goals I set for myself. I have been anticipating mobile development since my first semester of my Masters. I enrolled in Object Orientated Programming in order to refresh and enhance my ability in Java and OOP in general. Continue reading

Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality UIs

As part of our module in Principles Of Interactive Media Design, it is a requirement that we present an area of the field that we have a particular interest. Last week myself and two other colleagues shared our research into user interfaces and user centered design techniques for augmented reality and virtual reality. We chose to explore virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) due to its recent emergence into the mainstream areas of gaming, mobile applications and various other systems. We felt it important to distinguish between VR and AR in both areas of interaction design and user interface evaluation and creation techniques. Continue reading

Arduino Workshop

I love working with Arduino. I always find it so rewarding getting a real world objects behaviour being driven by code I have compiled. I really wish I gave more time to creating personal projects in Arduino because I am always so happy with the result. Unfortunately recent times hasn’t permitted me the time though. My main focus of the Interactive Media course is to enhance my skills in UI and UX so Arduino has taken a bit of a back seat. Continue reading

Wearables Workshop

As part of the Principles Of Interaction Design module, our class participate in weekly workshops. These are of get benefit to us as we learn new techniques with regards to running a workshop and also being a participant. This past week the workshops focus was on the design of wearable technology. Wearable technology can serve to be a new medium to convey information falling under the category of Internet Of Things. Continue reading

Initial Steps.

I will start this post with a quick little description about what I plan to create, why and how I came to the decision. As stated in my previous post, I would like to create something that can simultaneously showcase my ability to both design and programme whilst placing my focus on the user centered design. With it being the initial steps I can only estimate it will be a mobile application that I will be creating but that will not be set in stone until I collect some relative user feedback in the form of a small workshop. This way I can gauge how users can envisage a product that can provide the service I want to provide. Continue reading

Moving Towards A Solid Idea

Due to my previous years studying Music, Media and Performance Technology, I am not a stranger to researching interaction design and the technologies that surrounds it. I have seen my fair share of fascinating projects that have influenced me greatly. I am not short on ideas so the problem I am having is the area I would like to focus on. As I have said before, I decided to go through some of the previous thesis projects. I have always been quite keen on the manipulation of real time data and how that can be presented in an aesthetically pleasing way. Continue reading